Domino Poker – A Little Bit Dominoes, A Little Bit Poker

Domino Poker – A Little Bit Dominoes, A Little Bit Poker

The origin of Domino Poker is a bit of a mystery. But it’s no mystery that this little game remains one of the most popular games in history. So let’s take a look at the game and explain the rules and strategies needed to sharpen your Domino Poker skills!

How the game is played

The game uses a standard set of Dominoes, except for the double zero and double one tile. After placing bets, each player receives five tiles face down. All remaining tiles are left face down. Each player than reviews their hands.

Gameplay, as in classic poker, now proceeds left to right. The players may now check, bet or fold each hand as well as call or raise an existing bet. Once all players have made a move, the player with the highest ranked hand wins!

How the hands are ranked

Here are the hands available in Domino Poker and how the tiles are arranged, with the highest winning value to lowest. These hands should be familiar to anyone having played the classic poker card game.

Of importance is the fact that the rankings differ slightly from classic poker. In classic Poker a Flush is ranked higher than all other hands below a Full House.

Royal Hand

  • Royal Hand – All five tiles must be doubles. Ex. 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5 and 6:6

Straight Sixes

  • Straight Sixes – Straight sixes must include five tiles sharing one common 6 on one side with the five adjacent sides creating an unbroken numerical sequence. Ex. 2:6, 3:6, 4:6, 5:6 and 6:6

Four of a Kind

  • Four of a Kind – Any four double tiles plus any fifth tile Ex. 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5 and x:x

Straight Fives

  • Straight Fives – Straight fives must include five tiles sharing one common 5 on one side with the five adjacent sides creating an unbroken numerical sequence. Ex. 2:5, 3:5, 4:5, 5:5 and 6:5

Full House

  • Full House – A full house includes 3 double tiles plus 2 additional tiles sharing a common suit. Ex. 2:2, 3:3, and 4:4 plus 3:5, 3:6 (where 3 is common to the 2 additional tiles)

2:2, 3:3, and 4:4 plus 3:5, 3:6 

Straight Fours

  • Straight Fours – Straight fours must include five tiles sharing one common 4 on one side with the five adjacent sides creating an unbroken numerical sequence. Ex. 2:4, 3:4, 4:4, 5:4 and 6:4

Three of a Kind

  • Three of a Kind – This hand is comprised of any three double tiles. Ex. 2:2, 4:4 and 6:6 with any other two tiles.

2:2, 4:4 and 6:6

A Flush

  • A Flush – A flush is created when all 5 tiles share at least one common number. Ex. 1:3, 3:3, 4:3, 5:3 and 6:3 (where 3 is common to all tiles)

One pair

  • One pair – One pair is comprised of 2 double tiles. Ex. 3:3 and 5:5

Highest Card

  • Highest Card – When no other players have any of the hands above, the player with the highest value tile wins. If two players tie, then the tiebreaker between those two players goes to the player with the next highest value tile.

*Note: All straights have only two possible combinations

Is Domino Poker worth learning and playing?

Domino Poker 99 is not a substitute for either of the games in its namesake. And it’s far less complicated than either! This game is easy to master with nothing more than a simple understanding of its hand values and strength.

Learn To Play Domino QQ Like A Pro

Learn To Play Domino QQ Like A Pro

A domino is one of the oldest games in the world. It has kept families busy for generations. It is popular in regions such as Indonesia where it goes by the moniker Domino QQ or just Domino Indo on the streets. Besides the fancy names, another key change in the game is the use of cards instead of tiles. The cards don’t last as long as the tiles. This adds to the excitement of fetching a new pack of cards every so often.

Rules of Domino QQ

There are a few things you should keep in mind for you to be successful. Secure the table and clear with the dealer. The dealer then hands each player three cards. Don’t let your competitors see your set of cards. Each card has a clearly marked number on it. You are giving your opponents undue advantage when you show them your cards. Once everyone is served, you can place a bet directly on the game.

The person holding the highest double number starts the game. The next player must place a matching card to the first. If they do not have a card to play, they must pick one from the unselected pile or the boneyard. It is referred to as the boneyard because each card is called a bone. Keep picking till you get a matching card to play. Pass your turn to play if you cannot find an appropriate card.

The best trick is learning which cards work best alone and which ones are best together. You win the round if you run out of dominoes first. You can request to see your opponents’ cards. There are different scenarios in the game. For example, if you are blind, you may have to pay to see the cards of an open player.

Similarly, you can raise the previous bet or opt out of the game by folding. Players advance the game by raising their bets from the previous amount. However, you can end the game by asking the other players to show their cards. The highest count wins the game. This is the player holding the cards with the highest combination of numbers.


There are other minor considerations and exceptions to be observed. For example, there are instances where you can win with some rare cards even if another player has nine on their cards. This depends on the version of the game you have agreed to play. Some of the common versions include draw, block and Mexican train among others. If the version is not called before the start of play, it is automatically assumed to be a draw.


Domino QQ is a fun game that you can enjoy anytime with your friends. It has been played for centuries and passed down generations. It is an intrinsic component of different cultures around the world. Not everyone in the world may play the same version. But it is the same game with the same rules. Local versions have the same basic structure of play with little twists added.

How to Keep Moving up in Stakes in Online Poker

How to Keep Moving up in Stakes in Online Poker

With so many new players joining the online poker rooms every day, you could really make a nice amount of money if you play the right way. Just remember how it was when you were new, and all the lessons that you had to learn the hard way.

Now it is time that you start making your money back and pushing around the weaker players while you keep moving up the stakes on poker poker 99.

The weak players at the online poker tables are easily distracted. Knowing that, the best thing to do is to take advantage when you see them not focused on the game. If you see a player using the table chat feature to talk with other players, chances are good they are not paying attention to the pot. Push all your chips in the middle and they will fold and just keep talking, even when they have a decent hand. While it might not seem like a monster pot, all chips are good chips, and in the course of one betting session you could be banking a substantial amount.

Weak players tend to do things in patterns because they feel so comfortable at the online sites. If you are watching closely, you will start to see those patterns emerge. Players will fold the same hands, raise the same hands, and give up the pot to big bets. Once you spot these tells, keep pushing until they are broke or wander away. If you notice that a weaker player is folding everything but the nuts, it allows you to get off a hand so they win barely any chips, which can set a player on tilt who has pocket aces and wins nothing.

Make sure that you do not miss the chance to bluff the weak player off a hand. They all want to see that flop so bad, but they will only call so much. If they put in the blinds, raise them up and see how far they will go before folding to your pressure. If a player feels like they are being targeted, they might try to make a stand by calling your bet before the flop, on the flop, and on the turn. If you have the chips over them, push all in and they will fold out of frustration knowing they cannot win the hand.

Be careful about when you are playing online poker. Things move every fast online, so you have to be paying close attention to everything. To do this you will need to control your surroundings before logging in to play poker. Limit distractions by turning off your TV, getting off the phone, and logging off all your social media accounts. Pretend you are working, because in reality that is just what you are doing, except the pay can be far more rewarding.

Take your time because each day a new crop of fish are joining these poker sites and are going to be pushing all their chips in with junk just to feel that rush of getting it all in.


Turn Your Football Betting Game Into A Winner

Turn Your Football Betting Game Into A Winner

When it comes to successful soccer betting tips, there are some that, no matter who you are or how you bet, will always help you win.

These successful soccer betting tips are often created on common sense and, if followed consistently, can help you win big.

Do you know the game inside and out? — Nobody should be spending much money on betting on soccer games if they do not understand the game inside and out.

Make sure you not only understand the game, but also understand each team, its history, its players, its manager and its coaches. The only way you will ever consistently when betting on agen bola online games is to do your research and know the game.

What is happening with the team now? — Even though you may have a lot of knowledge about particular teams, have you actually looked at what is going on with them today?

If you plan on placing a bet on a specific team today or tomorrow, you should know what is happening with that team today.

Have they just traded a player? Do they have a new coach or problems with an existing coach? Which player is currently injured and which will be the substitute player? Did they just play a game and may be exhausted for the next one?

Before placing any bet, head to Google and type in the name of the team and then look at the News category. This will give you all the information you need to know.

Do you have consistent stake amounts? — Do not be a player that bets an amount depending on how he feels that day. Instead, decide at the beginning of the season how much you are going to stake on every game and never bet more than that.

Do not chase after bad bets — Human nature often says, the minute you start losing you need to bet more to try to make up the money you lost. Human nature is wrong.

As soon as you start to lose more than you are winning, stop betting. Everyone has a bad day, and bad days rarely turn out to be good ones. Instead, walk away and save your money for bets on another day.

League matches are the best bet — You will have more success betting on football games if you stick to games within one league.

This is because you can then do your research on the league itself and on the teams within it, and learn everything you can about both.

Knowledge is power, and the more knowledge you have about a specific league and the teams within it, the smarter you are when it comes to placing bets.

Analyze a league and its team and place your bets on what you find out.

Which games should you play at an online casino if you want the most chance of a win?

Which games should you play at an online casino if you want the most chance of a win?

If you are new to betting at online casinos (like score88 online), you probably want to maximize your chances of winning.

Part of this can be done by only playing the games where you have the highest chance of winning, and avoid those where the losses could be high.

How do you know which games are the easier winners, and which are not? Pay attention to these games, and your chances of winning will increase quickly.

Slot machine games — The slots are still the easiest place to win if you want to maximize your chances.

This is usually due to new machines having more reels and more pay lines. As long as you play all the pay lines, when you do win, you can win big. If you choose the lower unit machines as well — five cents, 10 cents, or 25 cent machines — you can play for a long time without losing too much money.

This allows the slots to be not only your easiest chance of winning, but also the games you can play on for the longest amount of time.

Roulette — Roulette is an easy game to win on as your options on what to bet on are limited.

On every spin of the wheel, you either choose to bet on either black or red or on odds or even numbers. Your only other choice is to bet on a specific number, which does widen your odds quite a bit.

If you start playing by just betting on a color or an even or an odd, you have a 50 percent chance of winning on every spin. You do not get much higher odds than that.

Keno — Keno is very much like buying a lottery ticket, except the numbers come in very quickly.

At every Keno machine, you simply have to decide on the 15 numbers you are going to choose. When you have chosen, you allow the house to choose 20 numbers. Your numbers must then match a certain percentage of them.

The odds of winning at Keno are actually quite good, so it is no wonder Keno is one of the most popular games in Japan with Japanese men who gamble a lot.

Casino War — While this may not seem to be a typical online casino game, it is actually becoming a lot more common in recent years.

As far as games you can win on, Casino War is actually one of the better ones as well.

To excel at Casino War, you just have to pit your card against the dealer’s card. The person with the highest card wins.

If, of course, you both draw the same number, then you start a ‘war’. Again, in the card war, the person with the highest card wins.

Your odds of winning at Casino War are very high, and you do not have to have any complicated instructions or have to learn hundreds of different tips to win. Just draw a card and the person with the highest number is the winner.

Which is Better, Tight or Loose Playing Daftar Online Poker?

Which is Better, Tight or Loose Playing Daftar Online Poker?

The debate about which is better, being loose or tight at daftar online poker, has been raging for a decade. The question is simple, which gives the player a better chance of winning more money, playing tight or being loose? Today we reveal some of the reasons why you should consider one that matches your style while playing daftar online poker.

Playing as a Tight Daftar Poker Player

With the tight poker playing style, you are less likely to allow a bad beat to set you on tilt. This is more of a systematic approach, one that looks at the pot odds and makes a decision based on numbers, not emotions. The tight poker player is not going to get into trouble too often because they only get deep into the hand with the best of it. There is no major bluffing on the river, where a huge portion of the chip stack will be on the line. The tight player might leave more profits on the table because of this style, but they are less likely to bust out too.

The downside to playing daftar poker online too tightly is that the loose players will eat you alive. The loose players are watching the tight player fold everything but the nuts, so they are more likely to push in chips just to get the player to walk away from their hand. The one upside to being tight, if you do get in a hand with the nuts, you can pretend to be weak by calling and then when the maniac pushes all in, you show him the stone cold nuts.

Playing as a Loose Daftar Poker Player

The loose player can certainly have their way with the table. The loose online poker player will actually beat the tighter daftar player more often because they will push them off marginal hands at will. The trouble with being too loose is that you blur the line of discipline, so it is not uncommon for a loose player to become a maniac over time. The loose player will get a reputation for being unpredictable, and will be able to use that to their advantage when they take down monster pots with a bluff on the river.

The only real downside to being loose is that you tend to get trapped more often. If you are raising every pot, someone will call eventually with the nuts and hide in the weeds. The good news, the loose players is in so many hands that they tend to connect more often, and it is not uncommon for their 5 8 off suit to crack aces over and over. The loose player will certainly not leave any profits on the table.

Now that you see the best of both styles, choose one you feel you can get used to playing and stick with it so you see long-term positive results. Both have good and bad, choose wisely and have fun at the poker tables when you play.

Tips that Work for All Domino Qq Beginners

Tips that Work for All Domino Qq Beginners

Any online or offline gaming requires you to possess skills and high level of concentration to emerge victorious. With the gaming craze spreading like wildfire, different individuals join the gaming market on a daily basis. Many people get into gambling for the thrill. They become excited about the prospects of winning big. One of the most popular gaming of old time is Domino Qq. Not many players understand the tips for playing the game right. Normally, Domino Qq starts with simple rules as you progress to more complex challenges. A number of customers despair in the middle of the competition mainly because they cannot stand the complexity that builds up when the game progresses. Below are tips for all beginners of Domino Qq that you can copy to finish the games and win.

  1. Having Fun when Playing

Domino Qq is supposed to be a fun-filled game. Many customers do the mistake of getting into the game without going through the various gaming options before settling on the most exciting. The games come with guides to help you play. After deciding on the game that looks interesting and one that has simple-to-follow rules, you should have fun with it by following these hints:

  • Start with trial rounds so as to adjust to the trend of the game.
  • Get into more competitive matches after familiarizing yourself with the trial games.
  • Maintain focus even after a fail as it’s part of the learning process.

At the end of the process, you get to build the right confidence needed to play the Domino Qq successfully.

  1. Approach the Game Wisely

The domino games can be complicated if you do not know how to eliminate the challenges. For example, experts argue that it’s prudent to get rid of the doubles as early as possible. This helps you to wisely plan for your subsequent moves. There are those professionals who recommend the toppling of the dominos as an approach of enjoying the game.

  1. Play Aggressively and Confidently

The Domino Qq poker is not for the ‘soft-hearted’. You have to approach the games aggressively to win. The game requires you to play tightly so as to gain the maximum chance of winning the pot. You should have confidence in your style of play and capabilities as a beginner. Confidence comes by consistent playing. As a Domino Qq beginner, it might take time before solid confidence builds in you. Nonetheless, this does not mean that you approach the game softly.

  1. Play for the Sweetest Deal

If you want to play Domino Qq on an online platform, it’s advised that you look for a site with sweeter deals. This guarantees that your hassle is not in vain, and you get something from playing. In short, look for where there are bonuses and play confidently.

Final Thought

Domino Qq is an exciting gaming for any player who is looking for a thrill and a chance to win big. Even though some players argue that the game is complicated for beginners, you can actually play and win if you approach the gaming wisely and confidently. Check out domino77 to get started.

What is Poker Qiu and should you play there?

What is Poker Qiu and should you play there?

If you have been playing poker online for a while, you may have heard of Poker Qiu. If you are a member of an online poker chat room, you will definitely have heard of Poker Qiu.

What is Poker Qiu? Should you play on the site and, if so, what are you likely to find?

What is Poker Qiu? — Poker Qiu is an Indonesian gambling site that offers thousands of games of poker every day.

The online casino is accessible by anyone from any country and, once registered, you can play as many games of poker as you like for as long as you like.

Poker Qiu also offers thousands of games of dominos, as well as an Indonesian domino game called Ceme.

Why is Poker Qiu so popular? — Poker Qiu is an online casino that has a huge number of poker rooms to play in. That means, no matter what time of day or night you want to play poker, you will find a room available and the type of poker you want to play.

Poker Qiu offers all the popular versions of poker, only requires a minimal deposit of 10,000 Indonesian rupiah and has large, progressive jackpots.

The site also has good customer service representatives that are available around the clock should there be any problems.

Generous bonus offers — Many people sign up with Poker Qiu because the site also offers generous bonuses for both new players and players that play on the site regularly.

New players can expect to receive a bonus of at least 10 percent of the money they originally deposit. They will also be awarded bonuses for adding more money to their accounts and, if they refer a friend to Poker Qiu and they sign up, they will receive a bonus for that person as well.

Poker Qiu also awards bonuses throughout the year for regular customers, so the longer you play the more bonuses you will receive. This adds money to the amount you can afford to gamble with every month, thus giving you even more chances of winning.

Poker Qiu jackpots — The online casino also offers three different jackpots — the Texas Poker Jackpot, the Domino Jackpot and the Ceme Jackpot.

These jackpots are awarded for various games and for various hands, but everything is explained about what you will need to do to win one on the Poker Qiu site.

Is Poker Qiu a reputable site to play on? — Many of the top online gambling sites are now Indonesian-owned, with hundreds of thousands of people around the world regularly gambling on them.

As these sites are regulated in Indonesia, just like other online casinos are regulated in other countries, they are as safe to use as any other online casino.

The only drawback for some people may be that Poker Qiu is currently only available in Indonesian. If you run the site through Google Translate, however, you can convert it to English or any other language you may speak, and then play on it via Google Translate.

Has Online Poker Become More Difficult to Win at Lately?

Has Online Poker Become More Difficult to Win at Lately?

The only type players that seem to be wondering has online poker become more difficult to win at lately are the ones who struggle to play. The best players will never complain because they know there is an abundance of weaker players that they can pick apart all day long. If you are wondering has online poker (on sites like scoreqq) become more difficult to win at lately, it might be that you need to change up your game play a little.

The following will help you to become a better online poker player so that you can start building your bankroll more easily.

Bluffing at Random Times

If you are not bluffing while playing poker online, then you are losing money each round as the blinds slowly eat away at your stack. It might not seem like much each round, but you have to understand that you are seeing more hands each hour so equals more blinds. Stop hoping for premium hands and take a stab once in a while at a pot. If you are reckless in your approach, the other players will not know what to think and may believe your story. If you spot weaker players, these are the ones you want to target when the pot is a decent size.

Chasing the Weaker Players

It can be very beneficial for your bankroll to target weaker players because they are in such abundance. No sooner do you think you drained one player of all their chips, another weaker player comes along and has even more cash to give away. These weak players are easy to spot because they make the same mistakes over and over, some of which you might be making yourself. These players fear the ace on the flop, they fold to all raises before the flop, and they never call if a big bet is placed on the river with any type draw completed on the board.

Eliminate Betting Patterns

One reason the other players seem to always be targeting you is because they know what you are going to do before you even make a bet. The patterns you make during the game are obvious to all but you. Pay closer attention to the hands you play, the size of your bets, the speed you play, and when you call. If you see a pattern, do everything you can to eliminate it before you become the target of half the site.

Stop Using Auto Features

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make is using the auto features on the poker site. This is going to cost you more money than you could realize. If you get impatient and want to check the call button and at that very second the guy in front of you goes all in, you just called an all in bet instead of a simple $2 call.

If you were concerned has online poker become more difficult to win at lately, now you have a little strategy to turn around your game and build your bankroll steadily.

Live Online Casinos Are The Next Big Thing

Live Online Casinos Are The Next Big Thing

Why are live online casinos so popular?

Live online casino gambling has become extremely popular all around the globe. It’s an international industry that shows more profit than any other internet based industry every single year. The very first online casino to present itself to the internet started back in 1995. Its popularity hasn’t slowed down since. There is currently over 1,500 casinos online offering the opportunity to gamble, and all those casinos are enjoying several billion dollars in profit every year. With the opportunity to play literally any casino game you want online, no matter where you are, almost everyone has attempted their luck at a game or two online.

Are live online casinos easy to use?

Their simplicity and ease of use lends to why so many players love to gamble online (see scr888 download). In order to play casino games online, all you have to do is create a new user account, provide some information, and you’re on your way to play your favorite game. Many online casinos offer a free mode so you can have the opportunity to see what it’s like to play these games before actually investing any money. When you are ready to play with real money, depositing cash is usually a very simple process. The transactions take no time at all and are secure. I highly encourage you to do a bit of studying on the company you are interested in before depositing money, just so you can educate yourself on the security of your funds with this company.

What games can I play on an online live casino?

When you have finished creating your account you can immediately start playing your favorite game. Many people often start off playing games they are familiar with like poker, blackjack, roulette, and craps. Venturing away from the known and experiencing some other games can lead you to your new favorite game. My personal favorite is Baccarat; it’s a simple game with very straightforward rules. Many casinos are also adding new games daily or weekly. Many of the slot games provide free spins and bonus rounds so you get more for your money. Besides your traditional slot machines offering line bets, you can also play slot versions of Bingo, Sudoku, Keno, Poker, and scratch cards.

Once you delve into the online gaming environment, it becomes extremely apparent why online gaming and betting is so popular and creating large profit margins. It’s a safe and fun environment where you get to learn new games, play your favorite games, and experience all the bonuses brick and mortar casinos have to offer.

Are online casinos going to take jobs away from hard working people?

While online casino betting provides a safe and comfortable environment to experience gambling, many governments around the globe are starting to see the benefits of allowing such internet based establishments be produced in their countries. The profit margins in this industry are large, these companies are making several billion dollars a year and providing significant funding to their communities through taxes and improving local economy.

Live Online Casinos are extraordinarily popular because you get to interact with a REAL living and breathing person. You don’t have to worry about some system deciding your fate for you, your game is dealt with a smile on their face, and they’re right there to answer questions on the spot. There is nothing better than skipping an automated system to speak to a real person and Live Online Casinos provide this opportunity. This is also another avenue of income for your local company providing the online casino; these dealers get the opportunity to make money like traditional dealers in a land based casino.