Where It Originated with Jaunty Alacrity

Domino qiu qiu is an illustrious, trendy game that is beloved in Indonesia (see situs domino qiu qiu). It is a mélange of two traditionally adored games that are prolifically played in the United States: poker and dominoes. It is similar to the Chinese alternative variation Pai Gow. In Asia, it is normally enunciated as Kiu Kiu.

The Visage of the Playing Cards

There are 28 cards in total. The countenance of the papers are “dominoes” presented flat on one side, and they are referred to as playing cards. Each card presents two sides containing a numerical value between one and six per sector.

The Amassing of the Number Nine for Auspicious Outcomes

The premise includes dividing four cards into two different sets of two. Each set adds up to a number. The goal is to culminate with a sum that is as close to nine as possible. If the digit of the summation is 9, that is a winning hand.

Outside of a few peculiar hands outlined below, the game carries on as usual. The main rule is as two sets of two cards are added up, the closest to a total of nine wins. If the calculation indicates it adds up to between ten and twelve, the latter digit is counted for the section.

The Five Reigning Hands

There are several, winning hands that are outliers. Firstly, one enumerates two groups of two cards each. If each of these subsections adds up to the number nine, one indubitably wins. This is the highest hand of all. The penultimate winner is four pairs: the same numbers on each side of every card.

The third highest hand is a maverick of a hand. It is anomalous because one totals each of the four cards altogether. For the third strongest hand, the total of all four of the cards are between 6 and 9. This is the, “small series,” and it denotes the smallest, possible, numerical value. On the other end, if the cards add up to between 39 and 43, they are in the biggest, potential range. This is known as the, “big series.” Both the big series and the small series are tied for the third highest, winning hands.

The final possibility for surmounting all other hands in the game is called 6 God. Each card adds up to six. Examples are 0-6, 5-1, et cetera.

Execution of Strokes in the Game

The poker aspect involves a couple of rounds of betting. To place stakes, a certain nominal amount is agreed upon by everyone in the beginning. The game commences with three cards dealt; the second and final round proceeds with the fourth and final card given. During each round, players make bets, raises or folds. The final hands are revealed, and the winner takes the pot of money.